Friday, December 12, 2008

Day 5 - the end of the first week

Maybe it's just me, but I'm really unmotivated. I've got a HUGE "to do" list and have only accomplished a very few things on that list. Granted, sleep and exercise have been hugely accomplished this week (I even managed to lose 2 pounds as of this morning) but the tasks are increasing and I'm feeling unmotivated.

Here are the tasks - we have new flooring being installed next week. This is truly a wondrous thing...our carpet is builder grade and truly ugly and we're upgrading! Not to mention - "good bye linoleum in the bathroom, and hello to porcelain tile flooring - gorgeous!" However, we have to move all the little stuff off the big stuff so that the guys doing the carpet installation can do what they need to do...Hello? The quantity of little stuff is "out of this world!!!" Decluttering sucks - it is time consuming, frustrating and when it comes to paper, a major pain in my ass. Unfortunately, a large portion of the paperwork that needs to be gone through is mine. Which makes me feel guilty.

On the horizon for tomorrow? Purchase Christmas Tree, and we can't forget the floral wire (I have to make bows for the tree and the lamp post outside), then I have to go to Giant (maybe I'll go there first) and get a veggie tray for the Italian Greyhound Playgroup Holiday party - I'm bringing my camera (the party is from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.); and then I have to get back home, get the tree set up and decorated at least with lights and ribbon prior to the party, then we've got to load up the donated crates into my crate - there's a rescue operation taking place at 3:30 p.m. in upper Maryland where 14 dogs are being rescued. All this prior to 11 a.m. Then when I return - depending on what Ted has accomplished, we're going to be removing wallpaper and painting the Master Bedroom and closet and Zac's wall where he currently has camo wallpaper. Not to mention all the trimwork - ugh! So that's tomorrow. I also have to make cookie dough and Z and I will be baking cookies so that he gets what he wants in regard to ginger bread men and cookies to leave out for Santa.

This is just Saturday - Sunday is more of the same - including massive decluttering and moving stuff downstairs. The flooring folks to install the tile arrive between 8 am and 10 am on Monday morning so I'll be up and at 'em early...gotta make sure I set the timer for the coffee machine on Sunday night. Did I mention we'll be sleeping on the main floor?

Personally, I think we're all insane, but hey? It's before Christmas, we have a lot on our plate and I do really well under great quantities of pressure, right?

Meanwhile, we haven't finished decorating our house for Christmas, I've got to finish this task as well this weekend in between painting, decluttering and, of course, removing wall paper...not to forget the dog party.

So - am I insane? Yes. Yes I am. But you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way.

On another note, since the title of this blog is "Life After Fannie Mae" I still have friends there. I spoke to one of my friends and she said that people are looking over their shoulder and waiting for the axeman to show up at their desk. Not surprising. Why do you think it is so important for evaluations and 360's to be done? They're cutting yet more positions and if you don't stack up - well, then say adieu. Personally, my thoughts are they should have started with those positions first, but then that would be my bitterness showing through. But then again, that's my own problem.

As a deep southerner we're slow to forget slights against us. I can forgive, but when it's a corporation, who is there to forgive? No I feel as if I've suffered a slight. It's better today than it was last week. Better even than on Monday. But yet, it has taken me one full week to feel as if I'm okay with being unemployed. Granted, I have a decent severance. I can't talk about it because I signed a legal document stating that I wouldn't. Yet, I feel as if all that I've done for the company was overlooked due to the conservator taking over and leaving me without a job. Again, nothing I can do. I'm wallowing. I realize this. I need to get over myself and quick...especially since I'll begin networking and marketing myself in January.

Speaking of January - a new year and a new life. That's my new motto. Starting tomorrow exercise becomes a part of every day. I mean it. I've been okay with exercise this week - not great - OK. 3 out of 5 ain't too shabby in my book, but it needs to be more. Especially with all the cooking and baking I've been doing. Have I mentioned that one of the great loves of childhood is licking the batter of the beaters? It's still treasured...yummmmm.

So - that's all for now - I think my eyeballs are ready for a rest - especially since Lowe's opens at 6 a.m. tomorrow so I don't have the excuse of sleeping in with everything that I have to get done tomorrow. Deadlines, I do work well with deadlines.

All the best,


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