Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Oprah and My Life

One of the interesting things about staying home is the quantity of time that an individual has to think of all kinds of things. In my case, I have choices to make. I have to figure out "what I want to be when I grow up." In earlier situations where I was looking for a new job, I had one choice - administrative. However, now that I have achieved my BS in Business/Finance, I have choices. Do I want to go the business route? Do I want to stick with administrative or do I want to try something completely new?

So - I'm looking into my choices. I've never had choices before and let me tell you - I am not certain that I like it. I mean, I have no experience on the business end so I'd have to start at entry level. I'm almost 40 - do I want to be hanging out with all the young chips and chippees? Probably. They'd keep me young, and they would definitely learn humility from me - I don't deal well with the arrogance of youth. Parents these days are allowing their children to think that they are entitled to things - that the things that they want don't have to be earned. That is just wrong. My son will learn how to earn things. He's already learned how to lose things - it's called creative punishment, but that is for another time.

Then there's the something new choice. When I was in High School, I thought about teaching high school. Now that I have my degree, I am seriously considering this route. I mean, what better way to contribute to the power of the youth of today than to help them learn about life and life's lessons. I really think that I'd enjoy it. I definitely know about the challenges, my sister-in-law, Helen (Goddess bless her) is a Middle School teacher. How she manages those kids I don't know, but they are truly terrified of her in the classroom...she is also looked up to and admired. Despite the fact that she's barely 5' tall :) She is truly a wonderful picture of what I want in a satisfactory life. And teachers are necessary no matter where you live, hence marketability.

Then there's the old standard. Administrative. I like it. I'm good at it (OK, I rock at it!). But do I want to do it for the rest of my life? I'm not sure. I find that I am more attracted to the jobs in the administrative field than I am in the financial. Despite the fact that I enjoy business, and the factors that make business what it is, numbers still scare me. So - I'm confused and not sure which route I want to take.

I also just finished reading the "Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch. He was able to take his life learnings and teach them - "pass it on" as it were in the 48 years that he lived. I realize he really took it to the edge, especially since he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer-but he just was able to put so much into words. His children will be blessed by his words - his legacy as it were. He was able to do this through teaching. I think that I want to learn more about education and being a part of it - not the collegiate path - that's not for me - I'm not a scientist, or a researcher. I don't believe that that is my mileau, as it were.

So - in my confusion and my desire to pass it on, I want to do something worth while. I don't know what that is yet - but I'm working to find it.

For now - I'm taking a page from Oprah's life lessons - Living our Best Life yet - she has had shows all last week about living our best lives. In other words, remembering to put ourselves first. Randy even mentions that his wife, Jai, needs to remember to put herself first. It is something that mothers everywhere forget to do. We don't care for ourselves, we care for our children and our spouses, our homes and our friends before we think about ourselves. Well, I've got plenty of time to put myself first.

In this realm of caring - I'm working on losing weight. I even have a challenge from my dad - the challenge has no losers - because the goal is to lose 10% of our body weight by April 21st. I can do that. I've already lost 4 pounds in a week - I'm not going to say it's easy either. I have had to completely change my diet -- that means no fast food. It means, I am cooking every day - eating up leftovers, measuring my food - and yes, (gasp!) exercising daily. It is absolutely imperative that exercise occur...and of course, following the old adage - work off more than what you put in. It's necessary.

My dad, Goddess bless him, he gave me all this stuff about Type II diabetes. As I'm entering the critical years (the 40's - I'll be 40 on April 21st, and since I look younger than I am, I don't mind telling you how old I am) - it's imperative that I begin to care for myself now. It seems that it was so easy before. Well, it's not. And I'm not doing it to be sexy or look like a bombshell (with the size of my hooters, that will be a side benefit, I'm sure) I'm doing it to be healthy. It is time to put myself first.

So - that's about all for today. I've got errands to run (grocery store, etc.) and then I've got to do my household chores. I'm actually enjoying not working - and that is probably the scariest aspect to my life right now. I know it's scary for my husband :).

All in all, I've got choices to make and the menu isn't helping me. I'll figure it out in time. But until then, I'm putting myself first.

All the best,


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